Wednesday, May 10, 2017

States must get Sovereignty and UN membership

Vinoba Bhave 
Jayaprakash Narayan 
[ARYA Vol.3. No 8—March 1917: Integral Knowledge, Oneness, Sankhya & Yoga, PSD VIII, 2nd Hymn to Mitra-Varuna, IHU & Heraclitus (4)]
Savitri Era Party: India must split due to overpopulation 
Savitri Era: At seventy India must retire #SriAurobindo
1) Say yes to Free Market, 
2) Oppose Mythology and Reservations, 
3) Demand Sovereignty to the States; & 
4) Follow The Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The myth of mythless modernity

Accordingly, thinkers like du Prel and William James were crucial to the process of redefining mysticism as a universal aspect of human experience.42 Die ... But rather than being a unfathomable remainder, du Prel thought that the Kantian thing-in-itself made itself available to us in mesmeric and somnambulistic states.

The Myth of Disenchantment


400 pages | 5 figures | 6 x 9 | © 2017
A great many theorists have argued that the defining feature of modernity is that people no longer believe in spirits, myths, or magic. Jason Ā. Josephson-Storm argues that as broad cultural history goes, this narrative is wrong, as attempts to suppress magic have failed more often than they have succeeded. Even the human sciences have been more enchanted than is commonly supposed. But that raises the question: How did a magical, spiritualist, mesmerized Europe ever convince itself that it was disenchanted?

Josephson-Storm traces the history of the myth of disenchantment in the births of philosophy, anthropology, sociology, folklore, psychoanalysis, and religious studies. Ironically, the myth of mythless modernity formed at the very time that Britain, France, and Germany were in the midst of occult and spiritualist revivals. Indeed, Josephson-Storm argues, these disciplines’ founding figures were not only aware of, but profoundly enmeshed in, the occult milieu; and it was specifically in response to this burgeoning culture of spirits and magic that they produced notions of a disenchanted world.  

By providing a novel history of the human sciences and their connection to esotericism, The Myth of Disenchantment dispatches with most widely held accounts of modernity and its break from the premodern past.

60 In claiming the contrary Kant makes the same mistake that he made when trying to distin–guish the unity of the understanding from the synthesis of the ... 66 These doctrines were summarized by Carl Du Prel in his Kants mystische Weltanschauung (Pforzheim: Rudolf Fischer Verlag, 1964), first published in 1889. 67 See ...

F. X. Charet - 2015 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
It was simply that the alleged facts as data supporting an actual world of spirits were inadequate.75 On the basis of this conclusion, Kant indicated that an ... given in 1788—89.80 The spiritualist, Carl Du Prel, published an edition of these lecture notes in 1889 under the title Immanuel Kants Vorlesungen u'ber Psychologie.

purpose in nature, recommending to link Darwin to Kant, while Vai- hinger discussed Otto Liebmann's neo- Kantianism.8 Even the aforementioned lecture on the ... of appearances.13 It was only 8 See Carl du Prel, “ ̈Uber die notwendige Umbildung der Nebularhypothese,” and Hans Vaihinger, “Ueber Liebmann's Analysis  ...
Irina Paperno - 2014 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Prelviewed such dreams in thecontext of post-Kantian thoughtand in opposition to the positivistic trends ofhis day. (Du Prel followed Schopenhauer and Eduard von Hartmann, the author ofThe Philosophy ofthe Unconscious.) For him,the “seeming duration” oftime not only provided empirical evidence of Kant's idea ofthe ...

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason that implies all knowledge begins with experience though “it by no means follows that all arises out of experience.” Massey summarized du Prel's philosophy as the existence of a “ second consciousness in man, familiar to all in its weakest degree as common dream, but rising in clearness,  ...

Anna Akasoy, ‎Guido Giglioni - 2012 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
6 In the field of Kantian studies, the first scholar who noticed the existence of strong similarities between Averroes's rationalism and Kant's criticism was Carl du Prel, in his 'Kants mystische Weltanschauung' published in 1889. Du Prel wrote his essay as an introduction to the Vorlesungen über Psychologie, part of Kant's ...

Kant's “ Dreams of a Spirit-seer," a translation of which is published by Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Du Prel's work has been, with loving labour, admirably translated by the late Mr. C. C. Massey, not the least valuable part of the work being the translator's own suggestive preface. Mr. Massey has also rendered great service to  ...

Corinna Treitel - 2004 - ‎Preview
Searching for an alternative, they pursued the psychological as well as anticlerical and antimaterialist implications of Schopenhauer's philosophy.27 Du Prel continued to develop these interests with an 1868 doctoral ... What had long remained occluded— nothing less than Kant's transcendental subject — now lay revealed.
David Leary notes that in setting strictures on psychology, Kant had inadvertently set out prescriptions that were to be taken up in the nineteenth century by figures who ... In his introduction to his edition of Kant's lectures on psychology, the spiritualist and philosopher Carl du Prel argued that dreams, somnambulism, and ...

Fiona Steinkamp - 2002 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Yet it seems also to reveal the importance he placed on fostering a meditative awareness of his immediate experience: philosophy for Kant was ultimately not an abstract ... Du Prel (¡885) develops an elaborate theory of “somnambulism” (including hypnotism) based explicitly on Kant's philosophy (see e.g., Du Prel ¡885, vol.

G. Glen Wickens - 2002 - ‎Preview
'We hear,' Felix Adler also commented, 'much nowadays of the necessity of a return to Kant' (192).41 It seemed to one commentator in 1901 that 'all the thought of ... system of Idealism' (1:109),45 Hart- mann's ' Ideal-realism' (1:xxv), Carl Du Prel's Transcendental Realism' (1^T),46 Spencer's 'transfigured realism' (First 170; ...

Paul Bishop - 2000 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
Dr. Carl du Prel', Zeitschrift für Philosophie und philosophische Kritik, 100 (1892), pp.293-95. + Paul von Lind, "Kants mystische Weltanschauung", ein Wahn der modernen Mystik: Eine Widerlegung der Dr. C. du Prel 'schen Einleitung zu Kants  ...
Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal - 1997 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
... is hardly an area of interest that has not been related to cosmism, whether it be icon painting, yoga, Kant's philosophy, the ethnic question, or the ozone layer. ... history," and "cosmic philosophy" (philosophic cosmique) go back to nineteenth-century mysticism and occultism (Carl Du Prel, Max Theon [Louis M. Bimstein], ...
Paul Bishop - 1995 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
the five), Kant appears in some rather unusual Company such as Carl du Prel (1839——1899),2'* Johann Zöllner (1 834- 1882),25 Gustav Fechner (1801 —1887)26 and other assorted spiritualists such as Alexander Aksakov (1833-1903)27 and William Crookes (1832—-1919).28 The conundrums posed by recent scientific ...

Emanuel Swedenborg's Mystical View of Humankind, and the Dual Nature of Humankind in Immanuel Kant Gottlieb ... Du Prel referenced this quote as from Swedenborg's "On the Spiritual World, " 1 432, which was most likely taken from ...
Johannes Jacobus Poortman - 1965 - ‎Snippet view
been struck by the fact that Kant and Swedenborg used the same terms for these worlds, viz. mundus sensibilis and mundus intelligibilis. But the ... As stated above, Du Prel republished Kant's Vorlesungen iiber Psychologie in 1889. He was of ...

Harold W. Percival - 1917 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
It is not to be denied that Kant, in his Psychology, deals principally in hypotheses and leaves it to the future to find the proofs of experimental researches. He could not do otherwise in his time, but that he intuitively found the truth deserves our appreciation and admiration. Dr. Carl du Prel, to whom we are indebted for this new ...
Frederic William Westaway - 1938 - ‎Snippet view
Plato's " ideas " Zollner regarded as spatial objects of more than three dimensions and as " real existences ", and he also regarded Kant's " thing-in-itself " as a real thing in the fourth dimension. Carl Du Prel went even further than Zollner: " Just as the shadows of three-dimensional objects cast on a wall are controlled in their ...
Camille Flammarion - 1923 - ‎Snippet view
Charles du Prel, a Bavarian savant (1839-99) of French extraction,1 to whom the psychic sciences owe important investigations, reached the conclusion, after thirty years of study, that the soul is not spirit alone but a ... In this connection, it reminds us of Kant's idea that "after this life the human soul is bound simultaneously to ...

Sir William Barrett - 1918 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
... the spiritual world is where the angels are, and the natural world is where men are. Plotinus, who lived in the third century, also held a very similar belief, speaking of men as "amphibia," who live partly in the 'Kant: " Werke" (Rosenkranz), vii, 53, 59, quoted by Dr. Du Prel in his "Philosophy of Mysticism" (Redway, London).

It is _a remarkable fact that long ago the philosopher Kant instinctively stated the same truth. ... In connection with this subject may I commend to you the perusal of Dr. Du Prel's Philosophy of Mysticism, which has been translated with loving labour by one of the earliest and best friends of our Society, Mr. G. C. Massey:' ...
1905 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
He whom Kant has made worthy of a humorous discussion, and whose thought has become a part of Faust, he lives for that period of time which we in mortal fashion ... Carl du PrelKant's Vorlesungen iiber Psychologie. 1889. Kant's Dreams of a Spirit-Seer. tr. by Emanuel F. Goerwitz, edited with introduction and notes by ...
Andrew Lang - 1909 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
sions are eagerly welcomed by Du Prel in his ' Philosophy of Mysticism ; ' but they are only part of Kant's joke, and how far they are serious, Kant himself does not know. If spiritualists knew their own business, they would translate and publish Kant's first seventy pages of ' Traume.' Something like telepathy, action of spirit, ...

Frank Sewall - 1906 - ‎Snippet view
The extraordinary revelations of Swedenborg " from things heard and seen," whose profound influence upon Kant, Goethe, and Herder is at this late day coming into full recognition,* are only other instances of the same kind of opening of ... London : Swan, Sonnenschein and Co., with citations from Heinze, Du Prel, et a/.

Edward Douglas Fawcett - 1893 - ‎Snippet view - ‎More editions
With these (his admirable services to the cause of psychology notwithstanding) must be classed Carl du Prel. ... And most assuredly it does not warrant the statement that " we, who know somnambulism, which Kant did not know, . . . could no longer rightly say that the Transcendental Subject is empirically unknown to us.